9:30AM Arrival
9:45AM Picture
10AM Tourney Time
The Fine Print:
Teams 1-8 are the “Sleepy” division (S), Teams 9-16 are the “Hollow” division (H)
Tiebreakers for playoffs:
Head-to-Head Record (if between 2 teams only)
Point differential (if 2+ teams or if tie between 2 teams that did not play)
If 2 teams tie record & points differential and did not play each other, they play a game to 10.
Timeouts! Every team in the playoffs has one timeout for 3 minutes. It can be called when either: A) there is a dead ball and/or B) your team has the ball.
Fouls. If games turn into brutal hack-fests, the committee will reserve the right to start counting fouls and institute penalties (e.g., shoot a FT and keep the ball). So, keep it clean.
IF YOU LEAVE at any point, you must let at least one team member know and provide a phone # for contact. Games will vary in length, so please don’t keep the group waiting…
Games to 18. Switch at 9.
Playoff Games to 21. Switch at 11.
Court A - closest to parking lot, Court B - closest to playground.