The BEER Jacket
From the minds who brought you the Green Jacket, the Black Vest, and the Green Vest, we enter a new era: The BEER (Best Elite Effort Representative) Jacket (est. 2023).
When the Green Jacket was first thought of and introduced years ago...the criteria was that it be given to someone who gets that the concept of SHOOT is much more than basketball. The BEER Jacket has nothing to do with who has played the longest or done the most work. It's given to the guy who is a good role model, a good dad and a good sportsman.
GJ 2004: Tim Ecke
GJ 2005: Tom Finn
GJ 2006: Bobby Galliani
GJ 2007: David Duysen
GJ 2008: Hank Taylor
GJ 2009: Bill Elliott
GJ 2010: Joe Euphrat
GJ 2011: Andy Ryan
GJ 2012: Roger Johanson
GJ 2013: Rich Lo
GJ 2014: Mike Ghilotti, BV: Alex Ryan
GJ 2015: Peter Horn, BV: Jack Duysen
GJ 2016: Duffy Ballard, BV: Austin Renk
GJ 2017: Gerry Bugas, BV: Joey Euphrat
GJ 2018: Gerard Renk, BV: Connor Renk
GJ 2019: Craig Egan, BV: Colin Carmody
2020: Tourney cancelled due to COVID-19 Pandemic
GJ 2021: Peter Funk, BV: Mike Mahoney
GJ 2022: Zac Cortez, BV: Tommy Mina
GV 2023: Charlie Duysen
BEER Jacket 2024: Andy Poster